The Millennium Skate Park Owl's Head Park, located on Colonial Road between 68th Street and Wakeman Place in Bay Ridge, Brooklyn is enclosed by a seven-foot tall steel picket fence on a 12" high curb. The access is through a single gate. The Department of Parks & Recreation will have an attendant during operating hours of The Millennium Skate Park. Each participant will have to sign a waiver; those under 18 will need their guardian's signature.
For more info visit: http://www.nycgovparks.org/parks/OwlsHeadPark

The skaters and boarders also share the 'bowls' with BMX bikers.
BMXer displays his devotion with a unique 'wheelie' tattoo.

From the size and shape of this BMXer's arms, I'd say it's quite a workout.

Wouldja lookit that? Quite a transformation. I used to live a block from OHP in the 90's, and I also have a very fond memory of July 4th weekend 1989 with some HS buddies watching the fireworks over the harbor. Great park.
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